The Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce (TVCC) is delighted to announce the publication of the Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIP) for Oxfordshire after approval by the Secretary of State for Education.
These reports are a culmination of fantastic collaboration between the TVCC Thames Valley Skills Unit team, employers, training providers and other key stakeholders. We’d like to thank all those who have given their time and energy to help create robust plans which will help tackle skills shortages and enhance post-16 technical education in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.
The LSIPs have identified key priorities for change, with a particular focus on greater engagement between employers and training providers to help navigate through the complex skills system. Key sectors and cross cutting themes are highlighted with clear recommendations for action in all areas.
Among the recommendations are a virtual Guide for Working Together to shape the region’s workforce for success, developing Workforce Development Partnerships to bring industry and educators together to tackle skills challenges and the development of new education and training provision to help meet priority skills needs.
The publication of the LSIP reports is the beginning of an exciting period of action to bring about long-term changes to the skills landscape.